WNC Art Boxes Shine in Winnetka
The Winnetka Neighborhood Council is excited to share the new Muralism Utility Art Boxes that we have funded to beautify our neighborhood. Have you seen them?
The Winnetka Neighborhood Council is excited to share the new Muralism Utility Art Boxes that we have funded to beautify our neighborhood. Have you seen them?
Happy Holidays from Winnetka Neighborhood Council! We [...]
On behalf of the Winnetka Neighborhood Council, we wish all of you a Happy Thanksgiving! We are so thankful for our Winnetka community.
Our Special Guest Speaker is Deputy Mayor of Outreach, Jared Rivera.
The Halloween event was fun and great engagement with our community, that was organized by the Winnetka Chamber of Commerce and co- sponsored by our Neighborhood Council.
The Winnetka Neighborhood Council held a successful retreat in October 2023 that allowed us to work together as a team and plan for the coming year.
The Winnetka Neighborhood Council, Wishing everyone who celebrates Rosh Hashanah a sweet new year. May 5784 bring you and your loved ones peace, good health, and a bright future. Shana Tova!
Winnetka Neighborhood Council President Mihran Kalaydjian and former WNC President David Uebersax participated in a recent LA River clean up with Councilmember Bob Blumenfield and the LA River Walkers and Watchers.
The Winnetka Neighborhood Council was excited to participate in CicLAvia the Valley on February 26, 2023. We welcomed participants at our booth with freebies and invited them to participate in the neighborhood council.
Thank you to everyone who came out and celebrated Winnetka's Centennial, adopted a tree and volunteered. We appreciate you! If you would like to see more tree adoptions, join our Green Team!
Join us December 10, 9am at Winnetka Park to adopt a tree, meet the Winnetka Neighborhood Council and your neighbors and enjoy refreshments.
The Winnetka Chamber of Commerce and Winnetka Neighborhood Council partnered to celebrate Halloween at a Trunk or Treat event at the Winnetka Bowl on October 23.
The Recreation Center is offering a Pre-K Program and classes in soccer, karate, sewing and piano!
The Winnetka Neighborhood Council held its annual Spring Clean on April 23 to coincide with Earth Day. Neighbors gathered at Winnetka Park to clean up.
Following Halloween, the Winnetka Neighborhood Council participated in the Operation Gratitude Halloween Candy Give Back program.
As part of the new Board's outreach we mailed out a newsletter. Get your online copy here.
Winnetka’s parks and green spaces are just a small part of what makes our neighborhood so great. What else do you love about living in Winnetka?
Wondering what the Winnetka Neighborhood Council is? Here's a quick overview of our role in the community and the things we did in 2020.
You can vote by mail, use a vote by mail ballot drop box or return your ballot in person. And get the details about the propositions at VotersEdge.org.
The Winnetka Neighborhood Council is currently seeking community members to fill three vacant council seats. Board members are required to attend one monthly board meeting and strongly encouraged to actively participate in one of the WNC Committees.
Neighborhood Housing Services of LA County helps low and moderate income families with mortgage counseling and financial literacy education. If you are interested in seeking help, you can find the NHS class list and contact them for financial counseling at Counseling@nhslacounty.org or by telephone at (213) 381-2862.
The application will be open for five (5) days, starting at 8 AM on July 13th, and closing at 11:59 PM on July 17, 2020. After the application deadline, all applications submitted by 11:59 PM July 17th will be included in the random selection process. The subsidy is anticipated to assist an estimated 50,000 Los Angeles households. It will provide a grant of up to $1,000 per month, with a maximum grant of $2,000 per household, and will be paid directly to the tenant’s landlord on behalf of the tenant.
We have just received notice that all Neighborhood Council board, committee, alliance, and liaison meetings - as well as all other NC-related events - are suspended up to and including March 31, 2020. Please sign up for city alerts at NotifyLA.org
Winnetka Neighborhood Council Committees are having a real positive impact on our community and we expect to tackle even more issues of importance in 2020. We invite you to join us by attending a committee or board meeting and considering taking a seat on a committee or our Board.
Positioned right in front of the former Fallas location, we greeted stakeholders and invited them to come hear plans for a Grocery Outlet proposed for that location at our December 11 meeting. Join us!
Join CicLAvia on December 8 as we transform Reseda, Winnetka, and Canoga Park into public parks for the day. We'll be closing the streets 9am to 3pm to cars and opening them up for people of all ages and abilities to ride, walk, stroll, roll, run, and smile! The event is rain or shine. See you at the Winnetka Hub!
The Winnetka Neighborhood Council participated in the 2019 Memorial Day Parade hosted by the Canoga Park Neighborhood Council and was proud to represent the community and invite participation.
Special thanks to everyone who came out to help and to Councilman Bob Blumenfield and his staff and the Winnetka Neighborhood Council Public Safety and Public Works and Transportation Committees.
This family owned restaurant is run by Becky Kokkinos, who prides herself on selling delicious, quality food. When asked about their most popular items, Kokkinos pointed out her famous fries and pastrami.
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