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Saturday, May 18 · 9am – 12pm PDT

ONEgeneration’s Intergenerational Daycare Center
17400 Victory Blvd
Van Nuys, CA 91406

If tickets are not available, walk-ins are accepted!!

We look forward to seeing you at the event, open from 9am to 12pm.

Register in advance for a complimentary extra raffle ticket. This event is open to all ages and members of the community. Although the Senior Symposium is focused on health and senior care, we encourage families with aging loved ones to attend!

In addition to community resources, health screenings, and presentations….join us to learn about utility bill savings programs! See our ONEgeneration booth at the event to learn about water conservation programs and if you qualify for discounts on your LADWP bills and other utility savings.

Visit our Technology Pop-up Event at the Senior Symposium and receive help with your devices! Bring your phone, tablet, or laptop to receive assistance and helpful tips! Find this resource on the field in one of the large tented areas. When you stop by to ask a question you will be entered in a raffle to receive a prize.

Register for FREE at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/onegenerations-15th-annual-senior-symposium-health-fair-tickets-874040878797