Join us for the next Winnetka Neighborhood Council Meeting on Tuesday, April 12, 6:30pm.
We plan to discuss Centennial recognition, particularly Spring Clean ‘Winntenial’ Edition planning along with various public safety issues and park improvements.
Due to constraints in light of the Coronavirus emergency, in conformity with the enactment of California Assembly Bill 361 enacted September 16, 2021, this meeting will be conducted entirely telephonically.
The attached Agenda has details as to how to join, which is repeated below:
We hope to be meeting ‘In Real Life’, whenever is will again be possible, but please keep an eye on our website and email blast.
Be well, and safe, as we will be looking forward to help #ReviveLosAngeles
Call 669-900-6833, Meeting ID: 815 4199 4845 Password: 70345092
Or join online: Password: WNCBOARD