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Run for office

Ever thought about running for office? Now is your chance to learn how!

LA’s 99 Neighborhood Councils are the grassroots arm of the City of Los Angeles government. Elections for Neighborhood Councils across the City are happening on a series of 12 regional dates from November 2020 – June 2021. Board members serve their terms in office as volunteers, and are elected by the members of the communities they serve.

At the Neighborhood Council Candidate Info Session, you’ll learn tips for:

  • running a successful campaign
  • connecting with voters
  • advocating for issues you’re passionate about
  • writing your personal statements
  • filling out your candidate application with the City Clerk

This virtual session will take place on Zoom. Details to join the session online or by phone will be shared in your RSVP confirmation email.

We encourage you to RSVP even if you aren’t sure if you can attend, as doing so will put you on the email list to receive important resources and a copy of the presentation after the session.

Register: https://www.eventbrite.com/o/empowerla-dept-of-neighborhood-empowerment-11891498859