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Cannabis Enforcement Town Hall

The City of Los Angeles Department of Cannabis Regulation (DCR) invites you to participate in a virtual town hall called Cannabis in Your Community: Partnering on Progressive Enforcement. The aim of the event is to engage with you about illegal cannabis activity and receive your input as the City considers new progressive strategies for enforcement. Community involvement is an important component to identifying problems and discovering new ideas to fix them.

This town hall will include a presentation on how DCR, the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD), and other City departments work together to tackle enforcement against illegal cannabis businesses across the City. There will be three town hall events in total, each focusing on a different region of the City. Please join the town hall serving your neighborhood. Regions are determined by Los Angeles City Council Districts.

Town Hall #3
Thursday, 11/10/2022 from 6:00 to 8:00pm
Valley and West Los Angeles
(Council Districts 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 11, 12)
The West and North regions of Los Angeles City land, encompassing Venice, Central LA, the Hills, and the Valley. Zoom Link: https://cannabis-lacity-org.zoom.us/j/88918482211?pwd=Y0JjdVpzd2s1SUZ0NGtIbGhGanNrdz09