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November 18 – This Saturday, rain or shine FOOD GIVE AWAY! 

Location:  At the END OF NOLAN PL. (Amrinta and NOLAN PL) Next to LAPD Operation Valley Bureau at  7870 Nollan Pl Panorama, CA 91401

November 18 – 

Location:  At the END OF NOLAN PL. (Amrinta and NOLAN PL) Next to LAPD Operation Valley Bureau at  7870 Nollan Pl Panorama, CA 91401

  • Parking: Park on Arminta or at the end of Noland Place (if you arrive early!!)   Second in the shopping area of Home Depot or the businesses.. ***Nolan Pl will be closed around 8am except for thru traffic. ( Please do not park on Nolan Place at or in front of LAPD OVB or LAFD Recruit Training Center)
  • Arrival8 AM –the food give away will start promptly at 9 AM – Allot for Parting and we will be setting up the food bags, Eazy-ups, table, chairs, etc…
  • Stop when done: We will hand out the food -hopefully around -3 PM complete the day…   
  • Food: We hope to have snacks and coffee, however plan accordingly. There are restaurants inside the business area within walking distance.
  • Wear comfortable but protective shoes, if you have them