Home Show, LA Convention Center, April 21-22, 2007
The WNC manned a booth at the Home Show. The event was facilitated by Jacquie Lamishaw, Team Director of the Planning Committee for the South Valley area. The hours were from noon to 8pm. Those attending were: Edwina Hollins, Tess Reyes-Dunn and Art Sims.
Salute to Recreation, Northridge Park, June 2, 2007
The WNC showcased a booth at the 25th Annual Salute to Recreation. The affair was extended to all Neighborhood Councils in the Valley. It was attended by the Mayor, Council Members, and elected officials. There were a variety of recreational and cultural activities. The WNC displayed its banners and handed out brochures and information. This event helped build our impact on the community. We provided promotional giveaways to individuals and children. The WNC sponsored the children’s entertainment and events. WNC members present were: Edwina Hollins, Art Sims, Josef Essavi and volunteers from the Winnetka community.
Valley Village Annual Luncheon, Sheraton Universal Hilton, June 23, 2007
The full board of the WNC attended the annual fundraiser for the Valley Village to advance interest and well being of citizens with developmental disabilities. The WNC appreciates being able to use Valley Village for meetings free of charge. We also took the opportunity to connect with Councilman Zine, Honorary Foundation Board Member. The Leo Buscaglia Foundation for Valley Village was founded 20 years ago to foster the arts, humanities and education.
Community Workshop, Pierce College, June 30, 2007
The Neighborhood Council Review Commission held a Community Workshop for friends, neighbors and stakeholders to share thought and concerns in the South Valley Region. The purpose was to gather recommendations on improving the Neighborhood Council system.
While attending the workshop there was continental breakfast and pizza lunch and soft drinks. Free child care with crafts was provided. There were focus groups from 11am to 1pm with reporting groups of results and concerns. WNC members attending were Art Sims, Edwina Hollins, Tess Reyes-Dunn and Erick Lace.
Community Outreach Festival, Warner Park, July 4, 2007
The WNC manned a booth decorated with banners and fourth of July displays in keeping with the holiday. We provided Disaster Earthquake kits with WNC logos and new promotional flyers to those visiting our booth. The event was held from noon to 6:30pm. Many signed up for the kits and filled out the pamphlets for possible attendance and participation at the WNC meetings. Families received promotional items for children. WNC members in attendance at the booth were: Edwina Hollins, Chair, Tess Reyes-Dunn, Art Sims and Josef Essavi.
National Night Out, Warner Park, August 7, 2007
The WNC reserved a booth for the Community Outreach Against Crime sponsored by the LAPD and valley stakeholders. The event was held from 4-9pm on August 7th in Warner Park. The WNC provided Earthquake Disaster Kits and promotional items for community outreach.