Public Comment is now open until April 27 on the De Soto Trunk Line Replacement Project.

LADWP proposes to implement the proposed project to increase the safety, capacity, and reliability of the City of Los Angeles potable water supply in the western San Fernando Valley area. The proposed project would replace portions of the existing De Soto Trunk Line, Roscoe Trunk Line, Canoga Topham Trunk Line, and Ventura Trunk Line that are aging, deteriorating, and nearing the end of their service life.

The replacement trunk lines would extend along Devonshire Street from De Soto Avenue to Mason Avenue (0.5 miles), along Mason Avenue from Devonshire Street to Roscoe Boulevard (2.6 miles), and along Roscoe Boulevard from Mason Avenue to De Soto Avenue (0.5 miles). The project would also involve trunk line replacements at the intersection of De Soto Avenue and Victory Boulevard (totaling 900 linear feet).

The existing pipelines range from 24 inches to 54 inches in diameter and would be replaced with 54-inch-diameter welded steel and earthquake resistant ductile iron pipe (for the De Soto Trunk Line replacements), 48-inch-diameter welded steel and earthquake resistant ductile iron pipe (for the Roscoe Trunk Line replacements), and 36-inch-diameter welded steel pipe (for the trunk line replacements at the Victory Boulevard/De Soto Avenue intersection).

The proposed project would also include installation of maintenance/access holes, isolation valves, blow-offs, air/vacuum valves, and flowmeters that are required for the operation, monitoring, and maintenance of the trunk lines.

The WNC heard a presentation by DWP on this project which was originally planned for De Soto, but moved to Mason to minimize disruptions to traffic.

Please submit comments in writing to the address provided below. Comment letters must be received by 5:00 p.m. on April 27, 2020.

Los Angeles Department of Water and Power
111 North Hope Street, Room 1044
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Attn: Mr. Christopher Lopez

Project Notice

More Documents on DWP site

 Trunk line map