Beautify Business District
The committee would like to pursue a joint project between the WNC, the Winnetka Chamber of Commerce and the Community Redevelopment Agency of LA to beautify the area around Winnetka and Saticoy as well as Sherman Way between Corbin Ave and Desoto, and along Winnetka Ave between Vanowen Ave and Nordhoff St. The idea was presented to the Chamber on May 7, 2007. The committee agreed on May 31, 2007 to send a letter to Councilman Zine to request his support.
Big Sunday Improvements for Schools
The WNC approved funds on June 12, 2007 for beautification projects at Fullbright Elementary. The completion of these projects is pending an update on project funding.
Speed Display
The WNC is partnering with Councilman Greig Smith’s office to set up a Kustom Signal Pole-Mounted 275 Radar Speed Display along Mason Ave north of Roscoe Blvd. The WNC is contributing $2,500 to the cost of the speed display. According to the Councilman’s office the expense has been approved. Installation date to be determined.
Left Turn Signal
We have recommended to Councilman Greig Smith that a dedicated left turn signal be installed Southbound Winnetka Ave to Eastbound Sherman Way. We have received approval from Ken Feroozmand / Transportation Engineer West Valley District. Installation date to be determined.
Brick Cross Walks
The Committee decided to request support from Council Members Dennis Zine and Greig Smith regarding the installation of faux red brick motifs in the crosswalks at major intersections along Sherman Way and Winnetka Ave and at those intersections that mark the Winnetka neighborhood boundaries.