Our September 13, 2016 meeting was well attended with more than 45 stakeholders interested in the topic of “The Pit”, located at the corner of Sherman Way and Mason.
The developer expressed concern that during previous discussions with the Winnetka Neighborhood Council Land Use committee, the concept had not been submitted to the City as a project, and so the WNC discussions should not be conclusive. To give them the benefit of the doubt, the project, which is now submitted to City Planning, will be considered again in the WNC Planning and Land Use Committee at an upcoming meeting.
Also on the topic of Land Use, were concerns that Williams Homes had agreed with the WNC to plant trees at the north edge of Winnetka Park, and had not yet done so. Some attendees thought that with the drought perhaps now is not a great time to plant trees. Others pointed out that the grass there is irrigated anyway, so the proposed trees would be watered. It was finally concluded that the Board should adhere to the original plan and ask for the trees to be planted.
Williams Homes was required through the permitting process to pay Recreation and Parks $50,000, which was planned, per discussions with the WNC, to be used for a dance studio at the Winnetka Recreation Center. However, Recreation and Parks never weighed in on the viability of a dance studio, its potential location or size for that amount. Further, they are in receipt of the funds and were surprised to learn of the dance studio request. With the topic now raised, they are considering what exactly can be accomplished for that amount at the Winnetka Recreation Center.
The Meeting Location Ad Hoc Committee is still seeking locations for committees to meet and was delighted to hear at this meeting of a possible location at James Jordan Middle School, located at 7895 Winnetka in the Christ Community Church. More news on this to come.
Stakeholders also were quite concerned about the negative impacts of the Xposed Strip Club at Roscoe and Canoga and the owner’s related marijuana dispensary business. A stakeholder reported that the Xposed owner also operates a liquor store in the same area. This topic has been referred to the Public Safety Committee for further investigation. Winnetka’s new Senior Lead Officer Jennifer Poepke introduced herself at this meeting and noted that she is aware of the strip club and the two recent deaths there. She has 17 years of experience with the LAPD and is dedicated to Winnetka. We look forward to her assistance with these problem areas.
Please join us at our next meeting October 11 and stay tuned for the next meeting on, not in, “the Pit”.