The Winnetka Neighborhood Council sponsored its first Blod Drive with the Red Cross July 1 and it was a great success. We had 16 units (pints) donated and had a total of 18 donors (There were two folks who showed up but couldn’t donate.). The Red Cross tells us this is a fairly good turnout for a holiday week.

The WNC would like to thank John Poer, Erick Lace and Eric Lewis for coming to work the outreach table. John, thank you also for keeping our social media feeds cranking out pictures and updates from the drive. I would also like to thank Steven Fuhrman and Bettie Ross-Blumer for reaching out and making themselves available to work the outreach table.

A very special thank you to Tim, our contact with the Red Cross for taking numerous calls and emails with countless questions from me and for all the help coordinating the event and to all the hard-working members of the Red Cross team, both professional and volunteer, who spent a long day working for a good cause. They were all so pleasant and professional and their hard work is most sincerely appreciated.

Lastly, a BIG thank you to all of the donors who came out. Several of whom from our own council. John Poer, Eric Lewis, Steven Fuhrman, Trevor Owen, Carolyn Poer, Jaime Pelaez and Mary-Ellen Moreno all extended their arms for “the needle.” Thank you so much! (I hope I haven’t forgotten anyone.)

– Kathleen Peleaz