New appointee Jill Kline after being sworn in by EmpowerLA Representative Semee Park. Background: Franklin Solis, JJ Popovich, David Uebersax, Erick Lace, Lisa Reeber, Samantha Ludwig, Steven Furhman and Victor Lerma
The Winnetka Neighborhood Council has had a number of Board members who have had to resign due to a variety of reasons (but none are because they didn’t like being on the Board ). We would like to thank Tamicka Eisley, Gregory Coley, JJ Popowich and John Poer for their service to the community of Winnetka.
We would also like to welcome new Board Members Jill Kline, Celia Vasquez, Ana Karen Estrada and Oswaldo Estrada. Along with appointing new members, several Board officer positions were filled. If you are interested in being on the board or would like more information please email us at
New appointee Celia Vasquez getting sworn in by EmpowerLA Representative Jasmine Elbarbary.
Background: David Uebersax, Samantha Ludwig and Victor Lerma
New appointee Ana Karen Estrada (far left) and Oswaldo Estrada (far right) being sworn in by EmpowerLA Representative Jasmine Elbarbary (center)
Jill Kline (far left), Franklin Solis (2nd to left) and Erick Lace (far right, standing) being sworn in as Assistant Parliamentarian, Parliamentarian and Vice President, respectively, by Board President David Uebersax. Seated is newly appointed board member, Ana Karen Estrada.