Chair: David Uebersax
Vice Chair: Vacant
Members: Steven Fuhrman, Franklin Solis, Richard Healey, Juan Lopez
Meets as needed on: 3rd Tuesday of the month at 6:30pm, Winnetka Convention Center
To provide community input to the City’s Planning & Land Use Management process. The PLUM Committee whenever possible will hear proposals for development, building, or land use issues that are planned within our boundaries.
This is the first stop for most developers once they have filed their requests with the City. Our job as a Neighborhood Council is to review the matter before the City hearing date and provide our recommendation on whether the WNC approves, rejects, or requests a modification to the request.
Winnetka NC Planning & Land Use Management Committee Procedural Resolution
The PLUM Committee adopted a Procedural Resolution January 2017, and updated it August 2019. It outlines how the committee will work with developers. Please see the Procedural Resolution for details. The PLUM Committee whenver possible will:
- Consider proposed developments that will impact Winnetka
- Meet with developers as early in the process as possible, possibly multiple times to provide guidance
- Only consider approving a project after it has been submitted to City Planning and assigned a case number
- Post a physical notice on or near the property in question to alert neighbors
- Require financial backing disclosures, relevant reports, site plan, renderings and more
- Require applicant to sign a voluntary agreement of intent to comply with conditions requested by the Board.
View the Winnetka NC Planning & Land Use Procedural Resolution
Current News from Committee
Veterans: Thank you for your service!
With gratitude for your service to country, today and always. Thank you Veterans.
Palm Vista Supportive/Affordable Housing Opening Soon
Palm Vista, the much needed 91 permanent supportive housing/affordable unit project in Winnetka, is opening soon. Apply by 4/30.
Southwest Valley Community Plan Update
You have the opportunity to fill out the Community Plan Feedback Survey and further influence the future draft plan. In addition, you can also drop general comments on the proposed Plans at the parcel by parcel level directly onto the Interactive Comments Map.
59 Units Proposed for the Pit at 20460 Sherman Way
A presentation was made to the Winnetka Neighborhood Council Planning and Land Use Committee Meeting on Tuesday, November 17 with a proposal to build a five story 59 unit building under the Transit Oriented Community Project concept at the pit located at 20460 Sherman Way.
Grocery Outlet Opens in Winnetka
The Winnetka Neighborhood Council is pleased to announce that we voted unanimously to support plans for the new Grocery Outlet in place of the old Fallas store at Sherman Way and Corbin and that the store just opened July 2. Check it out!