Chair: Jonathan Vickburg
Vice Chair: Alexander Tsao
Members: Mihran Kalaydjian, Erick Lace, Judith Giglio
Regular Meeting Time: 4th Monday of the Month, 7pm at Winnetka Convention Center.
Our objective is to increase the safety of our stakeholders. The WNC has had a long history linked to the various agencies that keep our neighborhoods safe, including the police department and neighborhood watch.
Safety Tips:
1. High Wind Safety Tips
2. LAPD Holiday Safety Tips
Topanga Community Police Station
1 877-ASK LAPD (1 877 275-5273) For Non-Emergency Dispatch
Devonshire Police Station (North of Roscoe)
Topanga Police Station (South of Roscoe)
Crime Maps by the LA Times
Neighborhood Watch
SLO Jennifer Poepke, Basic Car 21A29
(Covering Winnetka)
Office (818) 756-3079 Cell (818) 731-2569
Email 35367@lapd.lacity.org
The 21A29 meeting is held every 2nd Thursday of the
month at 7 PM at the Topanga Station.
- Nov 27, 2023: Agenda
- Oct 23, 2023: Agenda
- Aug 28, 2023: Agenda Minutes
- Jul 26, 2023: Agenda
- Apr 26, 2023: Agenda
- Mar 29, 2023: Agenda
- Feb 22, 2023: Agenda
- Jan 25, 2023: Agenda
- Oct 26, 2022: Agenda
- Sep 28, 2022: Agenda
- Aug 24, 2022: Agenda
- Aug 03, 2022: Agenda
- Jun 22, 2022: Agenda
- Apr 27, 2022: Agenda
- Mar 23, 2022: Agenda
- Feb 23, 2022: Agenda
- Jan 26, 2022: Agenda
Current News from Committee
Important Safety Tips
Attention West Valley and surrounding communities: Please review the recent bulletin on residential burglary prevention tips.
A Successful Public Safety Committee Meeting
We would like to thank Rico A Gross Captain II, Los Angeles CITY Fire Department for his presentation to our Public Safety Committee.
Are you mentally prepared for a disaster?
Trevor Richmond, Deputy Chief, LAFD Operations Valley Bureau, will present on “Mentally Preparing Yourself for a Disaster” at our Public Safety Meeting on February 22 and we would love to have you join us.
Order Free Covid Tests
Effective Wednesday, January 19, 2022, you can order FREE RAPID COVID-19 TEST KITS through the U.S. government. A total of four (4) kits can be ordered per household. The website is: www.covidtests.gov
West Nile Virus Found in Winnetka
A mosquito with West Nile Virus was found in Winnetka on August 25. To protect yourself eliminate standing water. Check out these tips.