West Nile found in Winnetka

The Greater Los Angeles County Vector Control District (GLACVCD) has confirmed the first mosquito sample to test positive for West Nile virus (WNV) in Winnetka this year. The mosquitoes were collected in a trap in Winnetka on August 25, 2021. For the updated numbers, please visit to: https://www.glacvcd.org/west-nile-virus-activity-2021.

WNV is transmitted to people and animals through the bite of an infected mosquito. There is no cure for WNV. One in five persons infected with the virus will exhibit symptoms. Symptoms can include fever, headache, body aches, nausea, or a skin rash. There is no human vaccine for WNV, and severe cases can lead to paralysis or even death.

Mosquito Prevention and Protection

Mosquito control is a shared responsibility and residents must take an active role in reducing the threat of WNV in their neighborhoods by taking the following steps:

  • Eliminate standing water in clogged rain gutters, rain barrels, discarded tires, buckets, watering troughs or anything that holds water for more than a week.
  • Ensure that swimming pools, spas, and ponds are properly maintained.
  • Change the water in pet dishes, bird baths and other small containers weekly.
  • Request mosquitofish from your local vector control district for placement in ornamental ponds.
  • Wear insect repellent when outdoors where mosquitoes may be present.
  • Report neglected (green) swimming pools in your neighborhood to your vector control district.